Sunday, November 18, 2007

Is it too early to be listening to Christmas music?

'Cause I'm ready.

When I was a kid, I had all sorts of rules about how Christmas had to be (some completely my own, some family traditions. All clung to with OCD-like intensity). The tree is decorated on or after the 4th Sunday in advent (yes, even if that's Christmas eve). Christmas morning starts before sunrise (yeah, sorry about that guys). And Christmas music (including Handel's messiah) is to be listened to in the advent-to-epiphany window alone.

What a little tyrant I was! Time to get over that, stat!

P.S. Have you heard Low's Christmas album? Frakkin awesome!


momeester said...

I guess AdventChristmas/Epiphany is where most of my OCD comes out.
I thought I was relaxing to push decorating the tree out as far back as the 4th Sunday.

Let the music begin!!

Tricia said...

I've been in the mood for Christmas music too...but I try to hold off until day after T-giving.

In our house we ALWAYS decorated the tree on Christmas eve. But I don't think we'll wait that long going forward, although it WAS fun. I am thinking we can somehow correlate Georgia's b-day (on the 18th) with tree decorating in the future. Although we'll be in Ireland this year.

Ah, Christmas.

You know, Cindy Lauper has a good album too. :) In a cheesy sort of way.