Friday, March 21, 2008


Two days ago, I bought a hat. It was kind of a frivolous purchase, but I'd just been paid a few bucks for watching a neighbor's cat over Easter weekend, and I'd wanted this hat since I first saw it in the shop window last September. So when I walked by the store and noticed it was on sale, I figured what the heck -- if you want something for 7 months straight, it's obviously not an impulse buy, right? And knit hats can be worn year round in our chilly little city.

Anyway, cute hat, right?

That is, it was until I accidentally put it through the laundry:


seester said...

oh! so sad! did you try putting it in warm water with, hair conditioner...that's supposed to relax the fibers.

momeester said...

I've heard that too, give it a try

Nora said...

Ooh! Good idea. It's soaking now. I'll let you know how it goes...

Anonymous said...

I had't seen the pictures, too funny. (in a tragic sort of way)

Tricia said...

oh no! I hope the conditioner works(ed)!

momeester said...

oh well,it didn't go with you Easter dress anyway

seester said...

I shrank a dress today.

It's in the air.

The all-knowing web says I should steam iron it.