Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A trip through the archives

There's nothing like a long to-do list for stirring up the ol' busywork. So, I just went through my November 2006 archive and added the "Nablopomo" tag, just in case the cyber archaeologists of the future need help sorting out which months I blogged every day, and why. I don't usually like reading through things I've written here (so self-absorbed! So poorly proofread!), but in this case, it was kinda fun.

One entry was oddly timely, as I've just discovered this video on youtube, answering the age old question, "Is that something I saw as a kid, or did I make it up?"

I also added tags so that you can track entries on the cat or my neck lump surgery. Oh, and here's a bonus, of sorts: I also tracked down this old secret blog that I'd nearly forgotten about, which I started before I told my parents about the mysterious lump in my neck (I didn't want to worry them, see?). You can witness my thinly disguised panic here:


seester said...

Yay for Mighty Mouse...reminds me of afternoons smelling of cigarette smoke, spent watching "Eight is Enough" with a family of twelve children.

C'mon, now, that's at least a chapter!

momeester said...

I loved watching MM at our neighbors who had a TV's house.

Remember sitting on the dock at camp with Jake demanding more MM stories